Wool Connect's finest Merino sheep
WoolConnect Ltd sheep are Australian Merinos. Australian Merino sheep are amazing converters of grasses and other herbages in to the luxurious, soft white fibre we call Merino wool. This process begins from the day they are born, with many Australian Merino sheep continuing to produce a quality fleece until they are six or seven years of age.
Merino production in the Boorowa region began in 1836 and this area specialises in the production of ultra-fine to medium merino sheep producing wools in the 15 to 22 micro range with a high comfort factor.
Once a year, the Merino sheep are brought in to a shed to have their fleece of wool shorn - a job which takes around 2 minutes for every sheep. Each sheep produces on average around 5 kilograms of raw Merino wool.