Latest news from Wool Connect Ltd
The famous "Running of the Sheep" is happening again in Boorowa this coming Sunday, October 4, 2015. Make it a long weekend this year, with the Boorowa Rodeo, the Quick Shear competition, the bowling tournament, the music performances and much more. The complete program of the Boorowa Irish Woolfest can be downloaded from our website. Once again, WoolConnect is a proud sponsor of the annual festivities, now in their 17th year! A brief leaflet of the Boorowa street festival also available.
The Boorowa Irish Woolfest is coming on Sunday October 5, 2014 and WoolConnect is a proud "RAM" sponsor of the event. See what's coming in the program by clicking on the links below:- Check the program for the Boorowa Irish Woolfest pre-events on October 3rd and October 4th 2014;
- Main day events for Sunday, October 5th 2014 in Boorowa; - Afternoon / evening events for Sunday, October 5th 2014 in Boorowa; - Directions how to get to Boorowa and accommodation options. (Graphic designs by Kristy Murphy) |

WoolConnect had a display at the Irish WoolFest Boorowa in October 2013. This annual festival has become a joyful country festival, including myriads of activities including wool and Irish, children’s fun, and a fine Boutique Market displaying food, wine and quality crafts. For more information, visit the Irish Wool Fest website.